Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tae Yun Kim: Ki and Your Environment

Chapter 3:
Your Environment is made of Ki Energy.
You and Your Environment Exchange Energy
Your Environment Radiates Energy
Color Imparts Vibrational Energy
Be Aware of the Power of Sound
Sound is Creative
What is your Inner Sound Creating?
Are your Five Senses Friends or Foes?
High Energy Transforms Low Energy
Guard Your Energy State
Use Breathing to Control Your Energy States
Use Meditation to Protect Your Energy
Exercises/ Meditation

When I first read through this list, I really didn't understand the these topics. But Great Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim develops these topics so you can easily under them and use them.
It is a great learning experience for those that are spiritual in nature. Hold on and be ready to learn very exciting concepts. We will explore these concepts and we continue into each of the chapters. Great Grandmaster teaches some of these concepts in private classes, in her Jung Suwon Academy of Martial Arts, and in her products. To see some of her products visit and learn more. Have fun reading and learning....

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Dr. Tae Yun Kim: Ki and Your Body

Ki Forms Your body
Your Ki Can Be Distorted
Your Different Energies Are One Unit
Consciousness Shapes your Energy
Become Aware of your Four bodies
Your Physical Body - Earth
You Emotional Body - Water
your Mental Body - Air
Your Spiritual body - fire
Purity Is the Key to Harmony
Exercises/ Meditation

These are the topics discussed in chapter 2 by Dr. Tae Yun Kim. Dr. Tae Yun Kim is a Grandmaster of the Martial arts and helps you learn about your Ki. How you can develop it to build yourself and your energy, and then how to help others positively in this world. Dr. Tae Yun Kim has many articles written about her teachings. See High Beam, and New York Times, and more. Also, Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim teaches at the Jung SuWon Academy of Martial Arts. It is a great place to learn and train.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Dr. Tae Yun Kim: What is Ki?

Chapter 1 addresses the powerful question: What is Ki?

I remember reading and hearing about the Ki Energy that Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim teaches. Believe me, it takes time to understand this. Stick with it and give it time. The results are amazing....

Here are the subsections to be addressed:
Ki Is Inner Power
Ki Is Creative
Original Ki is Your Silent Master
You Create Your Life With Ki
Your Ki Can Be Clouded
You Can Change Your Life With Ki
Ki Belongs to Everyone
Why is Ki Energetic?
Ki Is Vibratory Motion
Different Energy States in Your Awareness
Ki Is All There Is
Exercises/ Meditation

Visit Jung SuWon Martial Art Academy to also learn more.

Other student blogs to learn more:
- Jung SuWon Instructor Site
- Jung SuWon - The Art of Jung SuWon Martial Arts
- Jung SuWon - Instructor sharing life experiences
- Jung SuWon Student applying to their life
- Jung SuWon Student life gardener
- Jung Suwon Animals
- Jung Suwon Shy Student

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Oakland Coliseum, 1991 Demostration

Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim, founder of the art of Jung SuWon, dressed in a traditional long, flowing robe, moves gracefully, fluidly, powerfully, gently, sometimes swiftly, but also calmly, through a series of energetic Ki rhythm movements called a form.

A rapt audience of several thousand now watches her close her eyes and enter a motionless and serenely quiet meditative state. Two students set a bed of nails behind her, and one of them tosses an apple onto the nails. the apple is pierced through!

A murmur of excitement spreads through the audience as their anxious anticipation heightens. Grandmaster is unmoved. Smiling, she opens her eyes. She is resolute, still, focused, detached. The students lift her rigid body onto the bed of nails, and six cinder blocks are placed on her stomach, one on top of the other.

A student approaches and stands over her with a large sledge hammer. He raises the hammer. He's counting. the hammer is coming down! the should of hi ki-up pierces the silence as he strikes the cinder blocks, now exploding in a shower of stones, settling in a rubble all around her. the breathless audience gasps in response...

Will she get up? Is she hurt? How can she withstand the energy of that blow without being pierce like the apple? But she is lifted out of the rubble, and far from being hurt, she again goes through the artful motions of a form, arms and legs gracefully whirling from one stance to another, smiling, unharmed, unmarked, alert, aware, as energetic as before.

No the form comes to a close. charged with tingling emotions of relief, admiration, and appreciation, the audience spontaneously jumps to their feet, enthusiastically applauding her demonstration in a standing ovation. Grandmaster puts her hands together softly and returns their respect with a gentle bow.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Dr. Tae Yun Kim - Acknowledgements

I thank God from the bottom of my heart for sending me to this world and allowing me to become a student as well as a teacher. Through my personal experiences I have learned to rejoice in the lessons of life. They have made me stronger and give me the freedom to become who I am today. I give thanks to my great teacher and Master in Life, Jesus Christ, who helps me celebrate each living breath as if it were my last.

I am blessed by all the people I have come in contact with, and will come in contact with, for they have and will help mold me into the person I am today. I thank you all.

God Bless you,
Grandmaster Tae Yun Kim

Saturday, June 21, 2008

The First Element - note to the reader

The power of Ki Energy can be a tremendous force in your life, but it is not to be confused as any sort of religion or religious belief. Ki can be incorporated into your life in tandem with any religious beliefs you may or may not hold. Through development of your mind, body, and spirit, you can connect with your inner voice and will be able to increase your connection to any universal or religious philosophies that you follow.

The techniques, ideas and suggestions in this book are not intended as a substitute for proper medical advice. Any application of the techniques, ideas, and suggestions in this book is at the reader's sole discretion and risk.